Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 12: Where there's smoke, there's friendship

Alexander Despatie, your smoldering good looks and stellar diving techniques make you the Colin Ferrell of the diving board, and my Olympic Boyfriend of the Day.
(seriously: is that a McDonald's logo on his shirt???)

But you're not just a medal-winning athlete. When no one was mingling with the Chinese athletes a few years back you persisted and made many acquaintances on the team, and a best friend in Chinese diver Wang Feng. Such a good buddy, actually, that one night (after putting back a few pints with him) you made four burn marks on your arm as part of a friendship pact with Feng. (here's the whole story). You can see the marks on Feng's arm here:

I guess I'm not the first one to see how special you are because somebody else beat me to the punch in making this video that I would have totally made had they not already made it:

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